percent-encoding decode

This commit is contained in:
Benedek László 2024-07-07 22:48:44 +02:00
parent bcc5e2d9e5
commit 21f1245bf8
2 changed files with 25 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -32,5 +32,8 @@ class URI {
void set_port(const std::string& port) { this->port = port; }
operator std::string() const;
static std::string decode(std::string text);
static std::string encode(std::string text);
} // namespace Rum::HTTP

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@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ URI::operator std::string() const {
URI::URI(const std::string& uri) {
std::regex uri_regex(R"((([\w\d]+):\/\/)?(([\w\d]+)(:([\w\d]+)?)@)?([\w\d\.]+)(:(\d+))?(\/?[\w\d%\.\/]+)?(\?([^#]+))?(\#([\w\d]*))?)");
std::regex uri_regex(R"((([\w\d]+):\/\/)?(([\w\d%]+)(:([\w\d%]+)?)@)?([\w\d\.]+)(:(\d+))?(\/?[\w\d%\.\/]+)?(\?([^#]+))?(\#([\w\d%]*))?)");
std::smatch match;
#ifdef DEBUG
std::cout << uri << std::endl;
std::cout << uri_decoded << std::endl;
if (std::regex_match(uri.cbegin(), uri.cend(), match, uri_regex)) {
@ -62,13 +62,18 @@ URI::URI(const std::string& uri) {
MATCH(scheme, 2)
MATCH(user, 4)
user = decode(user);
MATCH(password, 6)
password = decode(password);
MATCH(host, 7)
MATCH(port, 9)
MATCH(path, 10)
path = decode(path);
std::string query;
MATCH(query, 12)
query = decode(query);
MATCH(fragment, 14)
fragment = decode(fragment);
std::stringstream parameters_string(query);
std::string parameter;
@ -83,4 +88,19 @@ URI::URI(const std::string& uri) {
throw std::exception();
std::string URI::decode(std::string text) {
std::regex encoded_regex(R"(%([\w\d]{2}))");
std::smatch match;
while (std::regex_search(text.cbegin(), text.cend(), match, encoded_regex)) {
char decoded = (char)std::stoi(match.str(1), 0, 16);
text = text.substr(0, match.position()) + decoded + text.substr(match.position() + 3);
return text;
std::string URI::encode(std::string text) {
throw std::exception();
return text;
} // namespace Rum::HTTP