{{ $C2S_REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION := .Env.PROSODY_C2S_REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION | default "1" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_AUTH := .Env.ENABLE_AUTH | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_VISITORS := .Env.ENABLE_VISITORS | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $AUTH_TYPE := .Env.AUTH_TYPE | default "internal" -}} {{ $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE := .Env.PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE | default $AUTH_TYPE -}} {{ $ENABLE_GUEST_DOMAIN := and $ENABLE_AUTH (.Env.ENABLE_GUESTS | default "0" | toBool) -}} {{ $ENABLE_RECORDING := .Env.ENABLE_RECORDING | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONS := .Env.ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONS | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $JIBRI_XMPP_USER := .Env.JIBRI_XMPP_USER | default "jibri" -}} {{ $JIGASI_XMPP_USER := .Env.JIGASI_XMPP_USER | default "jigasi" -}} {{ $JVB_AUTH_USER := .Env.JVB_AUTH_USER | default "jvb" -}} {{ $JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER := .Env.JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER | default "" -}} {{ $JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY := .Env.JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $JWT_AUTH_TYPE := .Env.JWT_AUTH_TYPE | default "token" -}} {{ $JWT_ENABLE_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION := .Env.JWT_ENABLE_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $MATRIX_UVS_ISSUER := .Env.MATRIX_UVS_ISSUER | default "issuer" -}} {{ $MATRIX_UVS_SYNC_POWER_LEVELS := .Env.MATRIX_UVS_SYNC_POWER_LEVELS | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $MATRIX_LOBBY_BYPASS := .Env.MATRIX_LOBBY_BYPASS | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $JWT_TOKEN_AUTH_MODULE := .Env.JWT_TOKEN_AUTH_MODULE | default "token_verification" -}} {{ $ENABLE_LOBBY := .Env.ENABLE_LOBBY | default "true" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_AV_MODERATION := .Env.ENABLE_AV_MODERATION | default "true" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_BREAKOUT_ROOMS := .Env.ENABLE_BREAKOUT_ROOMS | default "true" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_END_CONFERENCE := .Env.ENABLE_END_CONFERENCE | default "true" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_XMPP_WEBSOCKET := .Env.ENABLE_XMPP_WEBSOCKET | default "1" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_JAAS_COMPONENTS := .Env.ENABLE_JAAS_COMPONENTS | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_RATE_LIMITS := .Env.PROSODY_ENABLE_RATE_LIMITS | default "0" | toBool -}} {{ $GUEST_AUTH_TYPE := .Env.PROSODY_GUEST_AUTH_TYPE | default "jitsi-anonymous" -}} {{ $PUBLIC_URL := .Env.PUBLIC_URL | default "https://localhost:8443" -}} {{ $PUBLIC_URL_DOMAIN := $PUBLIC_URL | trimPrefix "https://" | trimSuffix "/" -}} {{ $STUN_HOST := .Env.STUN_HOST | default "" -}} {{ $STUN_PORT := .Env.STUN_PORT | default "443" -}} {{ $TURN_HOST := .Env.TURN_HOST | default "" -}} {{ $TURN_HOSTS := splitList "," $TURN_HOST -}} {{ $TURN_PORT := .Env.TURN_PORT | default "443" -}} {{ $TURN_TRANSPORT := .Env.TURN_TRANSPORT | default "tcp" -}} {{ $TURN_TRANSPORTS := splitList "," $TURN_TRANSPORT -}} {{ $TURN_TTL := .Env.TURN_TTL | default "86400" -}} {{ $TURNS_HOST := .Env.TURNS_HOST | default "" -}} {{ $TURNS_HOSTS := splitList "," $TURNS_HOST -}} {{ $TURNS_PORT := .Env.TURNS_PORT | default "443" -}} {{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN | default "auth.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $XMPP_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_DOMAIN | default "meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $XMPP_GUEST_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_GUEST_DOMAIN | default "guest.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN | default "internal-muc.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN | default "muc.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN_PREFIX := (split "." $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN)._0 -}} {{ $XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN := .Env.XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN | default "recorder.meet.jitsi" -}} {{ $JIBRI_RECORDER_USER := .Env.JIBRI_RECORDER_USER | default "recorder" -}} {{ $JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_USER := .Env.JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_USER | default "transcriber" -}} {{ $DISABLE_POLLS := .Env.DISABLE_POLLS | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $ENABLE_SUBDOMAINS := .Env.ENABLE_SUBDOMAINS | default "true" | toBool -}} {{ $PROSODY_RESERVATION_ENABLED := .Env.PROSODY_RESERVATION_ENABLED | default "false" | toBool -}} {{ $PROSODY_RESERVATION_REST_BASE_URL := .Env.PROSODY_RESERVATION_REST_BASE_URL | default "" -}} {{ $RATE_LIMIT_LOGIN_RATE := .Env.PROSODY_RATE_LIMIT_LOGIN_RATE | default "3" -}} {{ $RATE_LIMIT_SESSION_RATE := .Env.PROSODY_RATE_LIMIT_SESSION_RATE | default "200" -}} {{ $RATE_LIMIT_TIMEOUT := .Env.PROSODY_RATE_LIMIT_TIMEOUT | default "60" -}} {{ $RATE_LIMIT_ALLOW_RANGES := .Env.PROSODY_RATE_LIMIT_ALLOW_RANGES | default "" -}} {{ $RATE_LIMIT_CACHE_SIZE := .Env.PROSODY_RATE_LIMIT_CACHE_SIZE | default "10000" -}} {{ $ENV := .Env -}} admins = { {{ if .Env.JIGASI_XMPP_PASSWORD }} "{{ $JIGASI_XMPP_USER }}@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}", {{ end }} {{ if .Env.JIBRI_XMPP_PASSWORD }} "{{ $JIBRI_XMPP_USER }}@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}", {{ end }} "focus@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}", "{{ $JVB_AUTH_USER }}@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}" } unlimited_jids = { "focus@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}", "{{ $JVB_AUTH_USER }}@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}" } plugin_paths = { "/prosody-plugins/", "/prosody-plugins-custom", "/prosody-plugins-contrib" } muc_mapper_domain_base = "{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}"; muc_mapper_domain_prefix = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN_PREFIX }}"; http_default_host = "{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" {{ if .Env.TURN_CREDENTIALS -}} external_service_secret = "{{.Env.TURN_CREDENTIALS}}"; {{- end }} {{ if or .Env.STUN_HOST .Env.TURN_HOST .Env.TURNS_HOST -}} external_services = { {{- if $STUN_HOST }} { type = "stun", host = "{{ $STUN_HOST }}", port = {{ $STUN_PORT }}, transport = "udp" } {{- end }} {{- if $TURN_HOST -}} {{- range $idx1, $host := $TURN_HOSTS -}} {{- range $idx2, $transport := $TURN_TRANSPORTS -}} {{- if or $STUN_HOST $idx1 $idx2 -}},{{- end }} { type = "turn", host = "{{ $host }}", port = {{ $TURN_PORT }}, transport = "{{ $transport }}", secret = true, ttl = {{ $TURN_TTL }}, algorithm = "turn" } {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- if $TURNS_HOST -}} {{- range $idx, $host := $TURNS_HOSTS -}} {{- if or $STUN_HOST $TURN_HOST $idx -}},{{- end }} { type = "turns", host = "{{ $host }}", port = {{ $TURNS_PORT }}, transport = "tcp", secret = true, ttl = {{ $TURN_TTL }}, algorithm = "turn" } {{- end }} {{- end }} }; {{- end }} {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (or (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "jwt") (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "hybrid_matrix_token")) .Env.JWT_ACCEPTED_ISSUERS }} asap_accepted_issuers = { "{{ join "\",\"" (splitList "," .Env.JWT_ACCEPTED_ISSUERS) }}" } {{ end }} {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (or (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "jwt") (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "hybrid_matrix_token")) .Env.JWT_ACCEPTED_AUDIENCES }} asap_accepted_audiences = { "{{ join "\",\"" (splitList "," .Env.JWT_ACCEPTED_AUDIENCES) }}" } {{ end }} consider_bosh_secure = true; consider_websocket_secure = true; {{ if $ENABLE_XMPP_WEBSOCKET }} smacks_max_unacked_stanzas = 5; smacks_hibernation_time = 60; smacks_max_old_sessions = 1; {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_JAAS_COMPONENTS }} VirtualHost "jigasi.meet.jitsi" modules_enabled = { "bosh"; "muc_password_check"; } authentication = "token" app_id = "jitsi"; asap_key_server = "https://jaas-public-keys.jitsi.net/jitsi-components/prod-8x8" asap_accepted_issuers = { "jaas-components" } asap_accepted_audiences = { "jigasi.{{ $PUBLIC_URL_DOMAIN }}" } {{ end }} VirtualHost "{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" {{ if $ENABLE_AUTH }} {{ if eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "jwt" }} {{ if .Env.JWT_SIGN_TYPE }} signature_algorithm = "{{ .Env.JWT_SIGN_TYPE }}" {{ end -}} authentication = "{{ $JWT_AUTH_TYPE }}" app_id = "{{ .Env.JWT_APP_ID }}" app_secret = "{{ .Env.JWT_APP_SECRET }}" allow_empty_token = {{ $JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY }} {{ if $JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER }} asap_key_server = "{{ .Env.JWT_ASAP_KEYSERVER }}" {{ end }} enable_domain_verification = {{ $JWT_ENABLE_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION }} {{ else if eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "ldap" }} authentication = "cyrus" cyrus_application_name = "xmpp" allow_unencrypted_plain_auth = true {{ else if eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "matrix" }} authentication = "matrix_user_verification" app_id = "{{ $MATRIX_UVS_ISSUER }}" uvs_base_url = "{{ .Env.MATRIX_UVS_URL }}" {{ if .Env.MATRIX_UVS_AUTH_TOKEN }} uvs_auth_token = "{{ .Env.MATRIX_UVS_AUTH_TOKEN }}" {{ end }} {{ if $MATRIX_UVS_SYNC_POWER_LEVELS }} uvs_sync_power_levels = true {{ end }} {{ else if eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "hybrid_matrix_token" }} authentication = "hybrid_matrix_token" app_id = "{{ .Env.JWT_APP_ID }}" app_secret = "{{ .Env.JWT_APP_SECRET }}" allow_empty_token = {{ $JWT_ALLOW_EMPTY }} enable_domain_verification = {{ $JWT_ENABLE_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION }} uvs_base_url = "{{ .Env.MATRIX_UVS_URL }}" {{ if .Env.MATRIX_UVS_ISSUER }} uvs_issuer = "{{ .Env.MATRIX_UVS_ISSUER }}" {{ end }} {{ if .Env.MATRIX_UVS_AUTH_TOKEN }} uvs_auth_token = "{{ .Env.MATRIX_UVS_AUTH_TOKEN }}" {{ end }} {{ else if eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "internal" }} authentication = "internal_hashed" {{ end }} {{ else }} authentication = "jitsi-anonymous" {{ end }} ssl = { key = "/config/certs/{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}.key"; certificate = "/config/certs/{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}.crt"; } modules_enabled = { "bosh"; {{ if $ENABLE_XMPP_WEBSOCKET }} "websocket"; "smacks"; -- XEP-0198: Stream Management {{ end }} "speakerstats"; "conference_duration"; "room_metadata"; {{ if $ENABLE_END_CONFERENCE }} "end_conference"; {{ end }} {{ if or .Env.TURN_HOST .Env.TURNS_HOST }} "external_services"; {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_LOBBY }} "muc_lobby_rooms"; {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_BREAKOUT_ROOMS }} "muc_breakout_rooms"; {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_AV_MODERATION }} "av_moderation"; {{ end }} {{ if .Env.XMPP_MODULES }} "{{ join "\";\n \"" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_MODULES) }}"; {{ end }} {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "ldap") }} "auth_cyrus"; {{end}} {{ if $PROSODY_RESERVATION_ENABLED }} "reservations"; {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_VISITORS }} "visitors"; {{ end }} } main_muc = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}" room_metadata_component = "metadata.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" {{ if $ENABLE_LOBBY }} lobby_muc = "lobby.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" {{ if $ENABLE_RECORDING }} muc_lobby_whitelist = { "{{ $XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN }}" } {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if $PROSODY_RESERVATION_ENABLED }} reservations_api_prefix = "{{ $PROSODY_RESERVATION_REST_BASE_URL }}" {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_BREAKOUT_ROOMS }} breakout_rooms_muc = "breakout.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" {{ end }} speakerstats_component = "speakerstats.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" conference_duration_component = "conferenceduration.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" {{ if $ENABLE_END_CONFERENCE }} end_conference_component = "endconference.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_AV_MODERATION }} av_moderation_component = "avmoderation.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" {{ end }} c2s_require_encryption = {{ $C2S_REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION }} {{ if $ENABLE_VISITORS -}} visitors_ignore_list = { "{{ $XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN }}" } {{ end }} {{ if .Env.XMPP_CONFIGURATION -}} {{ join "\n " (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_CONFIGURATION) }} {{ end -}} {{ if $ENABLE_GUEST_DOMAIN }} VirtualHost "{{ $XMPP_GUEST_DOMAIN }}" authentication = "{{ $GUEST_AUTH_TYPE }}" modules_enabled = { {{ if $ENABLE_XMPP_WEBSOCKET }} "smacks"; -- XEP-0198: Stream Management {{ end }} } c2s_require_encryption = {{ $C2S_REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION }} {{ if $ENABLE_VISITORS }} allow_anonymous_s2s = true {{ end }} {{ end }} VirtualHost "{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}" ssl = { key = "/config/certs/{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}.key"; certificate = "/config/certs/{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}.crt"; } modules_enabled = { "limits_exception"; } authentication = "internal_hashed" {{ if $ENABLE_RECORDING }} VirtualHost "{{ $XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN }}" modules_enabled = { "smacks"; } authentication = "internal_hashed" {{ end }} Component "{{ $XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_DOMAIN }}" "muc" storage = "memory" modules_enabled = { {{ if .Env.XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_MODULES -}} "{{ join "\";\n\"" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_INTERNAL_MUC_MODULES) }}"; {{ end -}} } restrict_room_creation = true muc_filter_whitelist="{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}" muc_room_locking = false muc_room_default_public_jids = true muc_room_cache_size = 1000 muc_tombstones = false muc_room_allow_persistent = false Component "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}" "muc" restrict_room_creation = true storage = "memory" modules_enabled = { "muc_meeting_id"; {{ if .Env.XMPP_MUC_MODULES -}} "{{ join "\";\n \"" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_MUC_MODULES) }}"; {{ end -}} {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (or (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "jwt") (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "hybrid_matrix_token")) -}} "{{ $JWT_TOKEN_AUTH_MODULE }}"; {{ end }} {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "matrix") $MATRIX_UVS_SYNC_POWER_LEVELS -}} "matrix_power_sync"; {{ end -}} {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "hybrid_matrix_token") $MATRIX_UVS_SYNC_POWER_LEVELS -}} "matrix_affiliation"; {{ end -}} {{ if and $ENABLE_AUTH (eq $PROSODY_AUTH_TYPE "hybrid_matrix_token") $MATRIX_LOBBY_BYPASS -}} "matrix_lobby_bypass"; {{ end -}} {{ if not $DISABLE_POLLS -}} "polls"; {{ end -}} {{ if $ENABLE_SUBDOMAINS -}} "muc_domain_mapper"; {{ end -}} {{ if $ENABLE_RATE_LIMITS -}} "muc_rate_limit"; "rate_limit"; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.MAX_PARTICIPANTS }} "muc_max_occupants"; {{ end }} "muc_password_whitelist"; } {{ if $ENABLE_RATE_LIMITS -}} -- Max allowed join/login rate in events per second. rate_limit_login_rate = {{ $RATE_LIMIT_LOGIN_RATE }}; -- The rate to which sessions from IPs exceeding the join rate will be limited, in bytes per second. rate_limit_session_rate = {{ $RATE_LIMIT_SESSION_RATE }}; -- The time in seconds, after which the limit for an IP address is lifted. rate_limit_timeout = {{ $RATE_LIMIT_TIMEOUT }}; -- List of regular expressions for IP addresses that are not limited by this module. rate_limit_whitelist = { ""; {{ range $index, $cidr := (splitList "," $RATE_LIMIT_ALLOW_RANGES) }} "{{ $cidr }}"; {{ end }} }; rate_limit_whitelist_hosts = { "{{ $XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN }}"; } {{ end -}} -- The size of the cache that saves state for IP addresses rate_limit_cache_size = {{ $RATE_LIMIT_CACHE_SIZE }}; muc_room_cache_size = 10000 muc_room_locking = false muc_room_default_public_jids = true {{ if .Env.XMPP_MUC_CONFIGURATION -}} {{ join "\n " (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_MUC_CONFIGURATION) }} {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.MAX_PARTICIPANTS }} muc_access_whitelist = { "focus@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}" } muc_max_occupants = "{{ .Env.MAX_PARTICIPANTS }}" {{ end }} muc_password_whitelist = { "focus@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}"; {{- if $ENABLE_RECORDING }} "{{ $JIBRI_RECORDER_USER }}@{{ $XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN }}"; {{- end }} {{- if $ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTIONS }} "{{ $JIGASI_TRANSCRIBER_USER }}@{{ $XMPP_RECORDER_DOMAIN }}"; {{- end }} } muc_tombstones = false muc_room_allow_persistent = false Component "focus.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "client_proxy" target_address = "focus@{{ $XMPP_AUTH_DOMAIN }}" Component "speakerstats.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "speakerstats_component" muc_component = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}" {{- if .Env.XMPP_SPEAKERSTATS_MODULES }} modules_enabled = { "{{ join "\";\n \"" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_SPEAKERSTATS_MODULES) }}"; } {{- end }} Component "conferenceduration.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "conference_duration_component" muc_component = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}" {{ if $ENABLE_END_CONFERENCE }} Component "endconference.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "end_conference" muc_component = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}" {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_AV_MODERATION }} Component "avmoderation.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "av_moderation_component" muc_component = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}" {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_LOBBY }} Component "lobby.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "muc" storage = "memory" restrict_room_creation = true muc_tombstones = false muc_room_allow_persistent = false muc_room_cache_size = 10000 muc_room_locking = false muc_room_default_public_jids = true modules_enabled = { {{ if $ENABLE_RATE_LIMITS -}} "muc_rate_limit"; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.XMPP_LOBBY_MUC_MODULES -}} "{{ join "\";\n \"" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_LOBBY_MUC_MODULES) }}"; {{ end -}} } {{ end }} {{ if $ENABLE_BREAKOUT_ROOMS }} Component "breakout.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "muc" storage = "memory" restrict_room_creation = true muc_room_cache_size = 10000 muc_room_locking = false muc_room_default_public_jids = true muc_tombstones = false muc_room_allow_persistent = false modules_enabled = { "muc_meeting_id"; {{ if not $DISABLE_POLLS -}} "polls"; {{ end -}} {{ if $ENABLE_RATE_LIMITS -}} "muc_rate_limit"; {{ end -}} {{ if .Env.XMPP_BREAKOUT_MUC_MODULES -}} "{{ join "\";\n \"" (splitList "," .Env.XMPP_BREAKOUT_MUC_MODULES) }}"; {{ end -}} } {{ end }} Component "metadata.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "room_metadata_component" muc_component = "{{ $XMPP_MUC_DOMAIN }}" breakout_rooms_component = "breakout.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" {{ if $ENABLE_VISITORS }} Component "visitors.{{ $XMPP_DOMAIN }}" "visitors_component" auto_allow_visitor_promotion = true always_visitors_enabled = true {{ end }}