#!/bin/bash set -e mkdir -p \ /config/{nginx/site-confs,keys} \ /var/lib/nginx/tmp/client_body \ /var/tmp/nginx # generate keys (maybe) if [[ $DISABLE_HTTPS -ne 1 ]]; then # use self-signed certs if [[ -f /config/keys/cert.key && -f /config/keys/cert.crt ]]; then echo "using keys found in /config/keys" else echo "generating self-signed keys in /config/keys, you can replace these with your own keys if required" SUBJECT="/C=US/ST=TX/L=Austin/O=jitsi.org/OU=Jitsi Server/CN=*" openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -nodes -out /config/keys/cert.crt -keyout /config/keys/cert.key -subj "$SUBJECT" fi fi # Detect nameserver for Nginx, if not specified. if [[ -z "$NGINX_RESOLVER" ]]; then IP_LIST="" # Parse IPs in /etc/resolv.conf, taking into account IPv6 addresses need to be # enclosed in square brackets for the Nginx config file. while read -r line; do if [[ $line =~ ^nameserver.* ]]; then IP=$(echo $line | cut -d" " -f2) COLONS=$(echo $IP | tr -dc ":" | awk '{ print length '}) if [[ $COLONS -ge 2 ]]; then IP="[$IP]" fi if [[ ! "$IP_LIST" = "" ]]; then IP_LIST+=" " fi IP_LIST+="$IP" fi done < <(cat /etc/resolv.conf) export NGINX_RESOLVER=$IP_LIST fi echo "Using Nginx resolver: =$NGINX_RESOLVER=" # colibri-ws settings COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_UNSAFE_REGEX="[a-zA-Z0-9-\._]+" # use custom websocket regex if provided if [ -z "$COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_REGEX" ]; then # default to the previous unsafe behavior only if flag is set if [[ "$ENABLE_COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_UNSAFE_REGEX" == "1" ]]; then export COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_REGEX="$COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_UNSAFE_REGEX" else # default value to the JVB IP, works in compose and anywhere a dns lookup of the JVB reveals the correct IP for proxying [ -z "$COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_JVB_LOOKUP_NAME" ] && export COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_JVB_LOOKUP_NAME="jvb" if [[ "$DISABLE_COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_JVB_LOOKUP" == "1" ]]; then # otherwise value default to the static value in the template 'jvb' echo "WARNING: DISABLE_COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_JVB_LOOKUP is set and no value for COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_REGEX was provided, using static value 'jvb' for COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_REGEX" else export COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_REGEX="$(dig +short +search $COLIBRI_WEBSOCKET_JVB_LOOKUP_NAME)" fi fi fi # copy config files tpl /defaults/nginx.conf > /config/nginx/nginx.conf tpl /defaults/meet.conf > /config/nginx/meet.conf if [[ -f /config/nginx/custom-meet.conf ]]; then cat /config/nginx/custom-meet.conf >> /config/nginx/meet.conf fi tpl /defaults/ssl.conf > /config/nginx/ssl.conf tpl /defaults/default > /config/nginx/site-confs/default tpl /defaults/system-config.js > /config/config.js tpl /defaults/settings-config.js >> /config/config.js if [[ -f /config/custom-config.js ]]; then cat /config/custom-config.js >> /config/config.js fi cp /defaults/interface_config.js /config/interface_config.js if [[ -f /config/custom-interface_config.js ]]; then cat /config/custom-interface_config.js >> /config/interface_config.js fi nginx -c /config/nginx/nginx.conf