- name: "Set Xen commandline" ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: "/etc/default/grub.d/xen.cfg" regexp: '^GRUB_CMDLINE_XEN_DEFAULT=.*$' line: 'GRUB_CMDLINE_XEN_DEFAULT="dom0_mem=1024M,max:1024M dom0_max_vcpus=2 dom0_vcpus_pin loglvl=all guest_loglvl=all iommu=debug,verbose apic_verbosity=debug ivrs_ioapic[0]=00:14.0" console=com1 com1=115200' notify: - update grub - name: "Set CPU pinning from dom0" ansible.builtin.replace: path: "/etc/xen/xl.conf" regexp: '^#vm.cpumask=.*$' replace: 'vm.cpumask="2-7"' notify: - update grub - name: "Disable ballooning for dom0" ansible.builtin.replace: path: "/etc/xen/xl.conf" regexp: '^#autoballoon=.*$' replace: 'autoballoon="0"' notify: - update grub - name: "Disable domain saving" ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: "/etc/default/xendomains" regexp: '^XENDOMAINS_SAVE=.*$' line: 'XENDOMAINS_SAVE=' notify: - update grub - name: "Disable domain restore" ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: "/etc/default/xendomains" regexp: '^XENDOMAINS_RESTORE=.*$' line: 'XENDOMAINS_RESTORE=false' notify: - update grub - name: "Get latest kernel" ansible.builtin.command: cmd: bash -c 'find /boot -name "vmlinuz*" | sort -r | head -1' register: latest_kernel changed_when: false failed_when: latest_kernel.rc != 0 - name: "Symlink to the latest kernel" ansible.builtin.file: state: link src: "{{ latest_kernel.stdout }}" dest: "/boot/vmlinuz-3-xenU" - name: "Get latest initrd" ansible.builtin.command: cmd: bash -c 'find /boot -name "initrd.img*" | sort -r | head -1' register: latest_initrd changed_when: false failed_when: latest_initrd.rc != 0 - name: "Symlink to initrd" ansible.builtin.file: state: link src: "{{ latest_initrd.stdout }}" dest: "/boot/initrd.img-3-xenU" - name: "Get latest kernel config" ansible.builtin.command: cmd: bash -c 'find /boot -name "config*" | sort -r | head -1' register: latest_config changed_when: false failed_when: latest_config.rc != 0 - name: "Symlink to kernel config" ansible.builtin.file: state: link src: "{{ latest_config.stdout }}" dest: "/boot/config-3-xenU" - name: "Add Xen block drivers to modules" ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: "/etc/initramfs-tools/modules" regexp: "xen_blkfront" line: "xen_blkfront" notify: - update initramfs - reboot - name: "Get latest Xen version" ansible.builtin.command: cmd: bash -c 'find /usr/lib -type d -name "xen-*" | sort -r | head -1' register: latest_xen changed_when: false failed_when: latest_xen.rc != 0 - name: "Link Xen to latest version" ansible.builtin.file: state: link src: "{{ latest_xen.stdout }}" dest: /usr/lib/xen