# config.yml # Django settings for ganeti_webmgr project. ##### Database Configuration ##### DATABASES: default: ENGINE: django.db.backends.sqlite3 # django.db.backends.sqlite3 # django.db.backends.postgresql # django.db.backends.mysql # django.db.backends.oracle # django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2 # Or path to database file if using sqlite3. NAME: /opt/ganeti_webmgr/ganeti.db USER: "" PASSWORD: "" HOST: "" PORT: "" ##### End Database Configuration ##### # Site name and domain referenced by some modules to provide links back to # the site. SITE_NAME: Ganeti Web Manager SITE_DOMAIN: "localhost:8000" # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_zones_by_name TIME_ZONE: "{{ web_manager.tz }}" DATE_FORMAT: d/m/Y DATETIME_FORMAT: "d/m/Y H:i" # Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: # http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/language-identifiers.html LANGUAGE_CODE: "en-US" ##### End Locale Configuration ##### # Enable i18n (translations) and l10n (locales, currency, times). # You really have no good reason to disable these unless you are only # going to be using GWM in English. USE_I18N: True # If you set this to False, Django will not format dates, numbers and # calendars according to the current locale USE_L10N: True # prefix used for the site. ie. http://myhost.com/ # for the django standalone server this should be # for apache this is the url the site is mapped to, probably /tracker SITE_ROOT: "" # Absolute path to the directory that holds media. # Example: /home/media/media.lawrence.com/ STATIC_ROOT: /opt/ganeti_webmgr/collected_static # URL that handles the media served from STATIC_ROOT. # XXX contrary to django docs, do not use a trailing slash. It makes urls # using this url easier to read. ie. /images/foo.png STATIC_URL: /static ##### Registration Settings ##### ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS: 7 # Email settings for registration EMAIL_HOST: localhost EMAIL_PORT: 25 DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL: noreply@example.org # Whether users should be able to create their own accounts. # False if accounts can only be created by admins. ALLOW_OPEN_REGISTRATION: True ##### End Registration Settings ##### ####### Haystack Search Index settings ####### HAYSTACK_WHOOSH_PATH: /opt/ganeti_webmgr/whoosh_index ####### End Haystack Search Index settings ####### # GWM Specifics # The maximum number of items on a single list page ITEMS_PER_PAGE: 15 # Ganeti Cached Cluster Objects Timeouts # LAZY_CACHE_REFRESH (milliseconds) is the fallback cache timer that is # checked when the object is instantiated. It defaults to 600000ms, or ten # minutes. LAZY_CACHE_REFRESH: 600000 # VNC Proxy. This will use a proxy to create local ports that are forwarded to # the virtual machines. It allows you to control access to the VNC servers. # # Expected values: # String syntax: HOST:CONTROL_PORT, for example: localhost:8888. If # localhost is used then the proxy will only be accessible to clients and # browsers on localhost. Production servers should use a publicly accessible # hostname or IP # # Firewall Rules: # Control Port: 8888, must be open between Ganeti Web Manager and Proxy # Internal Ports: 12000+ must be open between the Proxy and Ganeti Nodes # External Ports: default is 7000-8000, must be open between Proxy and Client # Flash Policy Server: 843, must open between Proxy and Clients VNC_PROXY: "localhost:8888" # This is how long gwm will wait before timing out when requesting data from the # ganeti cluster. RAPI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: 3 SECRET_KEY: "{{ secret_key }}" WEB_MGR_API_KEY: "{{ web_mgr_api_key }}"